What you see is all there is

Over the past decade, it became more and more prevalent – it started with innocent motivational internet quotes, wrongly attributed to the wrong people. It sits well with our “common sense” – we have very little to doubt it It’s not completely ridiculous, so we accept it as “truth”. We believe what we see, accepting arbitrary quotes and stories as true (and quoting those to others, with complete certainty, and trusting of the source!). This is annoying but generally harmless… or is it?

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Use growth gears to propel your business

Stop chasing the shiny bumper!

We often confuse Causation and Correlation. Nassim Taleb has written extensively, and many books about the way we analyse results. Too often we don’t have the right information. We’re not asking the right questions, and end up with a result which may look plausible, but actually is very far from reality. 

In Marketing, we experience the same phenomenon. We see a campaign, or a stunt, or a digital platform or any other marketing tool, and making the assumption that this tool is responsible to the growth and success of the company using that tool. It’s like having a shiny bumper on a winning race car. Do you really think that if your car had a shiny bumper, it will also win races?

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How a small-business mentality hinders growth

Every business you’ve ever heard of, or come across, started the same way. All businesses start small. They all begin with an idea. One person will come up with an idea, and will take a risk and start a business. Some new business owners will reduce their risk by getting other people involved, either as partners or investors. That’s the foundation of every business. 

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Why don’t we like marketers?

Photocredit - Eric A. Wessman

February 2019 marks 3 years since I launched Orange Sky. In the past 3 years, most of the conversations I’ve had with colleagues, clients and people in the business world, led to me explaining what marketing is; or what is the difference between marketing and advertising; or how promoting a business, a product or a service is the last piece of the marketers’ work and by far the easiest, once everything else is done right. 

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Third Party endorsements

Third-Party endorsements are too often neglected as a marketing tactic. Having other people praise your work, for professionals in particular, or any product or service, is the ultimate marketing tool. Having other people endorse your work, praise your achievements, and promote your successes, is the best testament to your ability. It always sounds better (and more credible) when praise doesn’t come out of your own mouth…

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
    a stranger, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2

The Book of Proverbs is an example of the Biblical wisdom tradition and raises questions of values, moral behaviour, the meaning of human life, and right conduct. I don’t normally quote from the Bible, but this particular verse is one of my favourite proverbs, especially as a marketer.

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How to break the rules and build a great company?

photocredit - bobleesays.com

Since founding Amazon in 1994, Jeff Bezos has run his company according to an unconventional set of core principles:

don’t worry about competitors,
don’t worry about making money for shareholders, and
don’t worry about the short-term.
Focus on the customers, and everything else will fall into place.
CB Insights celebrated Amazon’s 21stbirthday, publishing 21 lessons learned from Jeff Bezos’ annual letters to Amazon’s Shareholders. Those letters reflect Bezos’ vision, not only for his own company but the future of commerce.

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Truth (or dare) in Advertising

Is there truth in adverting?

Taco Bell was voted the best Mexican restaurants in the US. Surely this is wrong, right? We expect truth in advertising, or at least “believable” claims, right? How could an entire nation vote a fast food chain to be the best authentic-food restaurant in the country???

Actually, that wasn’t the claim. There’s more to the story…  Read more

My takeaways – Adobe Symposium 2018

I love conferences!

There. I said it. Especially, MarTech conferences are awesome! The hype, the innovative technologies, the passionate marketers, discovering the endless possibilities – the brilliant things they can do with their newly-found technical capabilities… It’s great, and I love those conferences…

Adobe Symposium was held in Sydney last week, and being the celeb that I am, I scored an invitation to attend. I was also lucky to attend the Adobe Summit in Las Vegas a few months ago, which was on a “slightly bigger“ scale. As a marketer, I love hearing about various marketing approaches, campaigns, technologies and meeting the people behind the stories. These Adobe conferences provide great opportunities to hear those stories and meet these people. Read more

Are you an industry player, or a market player?

Photocredit: Flickr - Mike Beals 

In over a decade of consulting, I’ve learned to take nothing for granted. I don’t assume as much as I used to, and I try my best to listen to every new client as if they are my first, and I know nothing about their company, industry or market. However, time and time again, in experience I previously had, shows me that almost everyone I talk to is an Industry player. I don’t want to assume that – they actually tell me! Some in plainer words than others.

What’s an Industry Player?

Imagine – you’re a diesel fitter / a medical doctor / a civil engineer / a lawyer or a mechanic. You have earned your certification / degree(s), and decided to start, or stumbled upon a business opportunity. You’ve set up an equipment hire business / medical practice / an earth-moving business/ a law firm or workshop. For 25 years, you’ve grown the business to a multimillion-dollar business. You clearly know your stuff, don’t you?

In fact – you’re so good, you win industry awards, your peers recognise you for the great work that you do, and even invite you to serve on industry boards. That’s how good and well respected you are. Doesn’t it feel great? I’m sure it does!

You are the ultimate Industry player!

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Knowing your client Vs. KYC. It’s not the same.

How well do you know your client?

Knowing your client is a vital element of any business strategy, no matter what your company may specialize in. Your customer is and always should be your main driving force. However, in a world where privacy is becoming more and more rare, certain businesses are taking advantage of what banks call KYC – ‘Know Your Client’. Unfortunately, this makes it harder for customers to trust the businesses they interact with.  Let’s explore both the positives and the negatives of KYC and discuss whether it’s as important as it used to be or whether it’s become something more harmful. Read more

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